Terms & Conditions

The following terms & conditions is a translated excerpt, the legally binding version is available HERE

§ 1 General Provisions

  1. Every person (hereinafter referred to as “Participant”) attending concerts, events, cultural events (hereinafter referred to as “Event”) organized by Fource Entertainment Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością with its registered office in Warsaw, entered in the register of entrepreneurs by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw under KRS number: 660911 (hereinafter referred to as “Organizer”), is obliged to comply with the provisions of these Regulations.
  2. The purpose of the Regulations is to ensure the safety of the Event (understood as the time from the moment the Participant’s ticket is scanned until the Participant leaves the Event venue) by specifying the rules of conduct for persons present at the Event and their use of the area where the Event is held, as well as the equipment located there, and to regulate the rights and obligations of Event participants in connection with the purchase of a ticket to the Event.
  3. The Regulations are available: a) on the Organizer’s website; b) at the entrance to the Event.

§ 2 Ticket Sales

  1. Only persons with a valid ticket (this does not apply to children under three) purchased from an authorized point of sale, i.e., Fource.pl, eBilet.pl, Eventim.pl, GoOut.pl, Ticketmaster.pl, and sales points of the aforementioned ticket offices, based on the regulations introduced by these points of sale, have the right to enter the Event.
  2. Tickets can also be purchased at the entrance to the Event venue on the day of the Event, provided they are available. Payment is only by cash. The price of such a ticket may differ from the presale ticket price. A ticket purchased this way is treated like an online ticket.
  3. A purchased ticket should be treated as the Organizer’s individual consent to enter the Event, which can be revoked at any time for reasons related to the necessity of maintaining safety. This entitles the holder to receive only a full or partial refund of the amount printed on the ticket, depending on whether the consent was revoked before entering the concert or during it.
  4. The ticket entitles the holder to a single entry to the Event.
  5. The Organizer informs that, in accordance with Article 133 of the Act of May 20, 1971, the Code of Misdemeanors: “Whoever purchases tickets for artistic, entertainment, or sports events for resale at a profit or sells such tickets at a profit, shall be subject to a penalty of arrest, restriction of liberty, or a fine. Attempting, inciting, and aiding and abetting are punishable.”
  6. A ticket entitling entry to the Event must be original, purchased in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations. A ticket purchased in violation of the Regulations may be invalidated by the Organizer without the right to a refund.
  7. The Organizer warns that buying tickets from third parties carries the risk of purchasing a counterfeit ticket, which consequently results in refusal of entry and participation in the Event.
  8. Furthermore, the Organizer warns that sharing photos of tickets on social media carries the risk of ticket code theft by third parties, resulting in the ticket owner being unable to use the ticket.
  9. If a person with disabilities wants to attend the Event with a caregiver, each of these persons is required to purchase tickets.
  10. § 2 pt. 9 does not apply to persons using a wheelchair. In such a case, only the person using the wheelchair is required to have a ticket, while their caregiver is not.

§ 3 Organizer’s Responsibilities, Event Cancellation, and Program Changes

  1. The Organizer’s responsibilities include ensuring the holder of a valid ticket entry to the Event specified on the ticket to participate in the Event and ensuring the organizational support of the Event and its uninterrupted conduct.
  2. The Organizer has the right to cancel the Event without prior notice for reasons beyond the Organizer’s control. In such cases, the ticket holder is entitled to the rights provided by law.
  3. The Organizer has the right to change the date and program of the Event for important reasons, such as the announcement of national mourning, adverse weather conditions preventing the Event from taking place, illness, indisposition, or another objective reason beyond the Organizer’s control preventing the performer from performing, as well as cases where the change is necessary to ensure the safety, health, or life of people or property or to ensure an uninterrupted and comfortable Event for participants. In such circumstances, in the event of a change of date or program, the ticket holder will have the right to return the ticket for a refund of the amount specified on the ticket within one month from the date of the announcement of the change unless the Organizer specifies otherwise.
  4. The Organizer has the right to change the Event venue without providing a reason, within the same locality. The Participant is not entitled to a ticket refund unless the Event is moved to another locality.
  5. The Organizer is not responsible for the arrangement of the artistic program by the artist or the length of the performance. Any changes to the program made by the artist do not constitute grounds for a ticket refund.

§ 4 Event Safety

  1. Event Participants are required to behave in a manner that does not endanger the safety of other persons, in particular by adhering to the provisions of the Regulations and the regulations of the place where the Event is held.
  2. It is prohibited to bring and possess the following on the Event premises: a) weapons or other dangerous items, explosives, pyrotechnic products, fire-hazardous materials, personal beverages, and food (except for beverages and food necessary for medical reasons and those necessary for children or pregnant women), intoxicants or psychotropic substances, tasers, gas sprayers, knives, batons, chains, firecrackers, smoke candles, lasers, laser pointers, and items that could be used as projectiles and any similar items, any glass, metal, and plastic containers, and any items with sharp ends, b) audio and video recording equipment and photographic equipment, as well as taking photographs, recording sound, and filming for purposes other than private (this does not apply to accredited journalists), especially in a way that hinders other people’s participation in the Event, c) entering rooms or areas marked as “No Entry” (e.g., service rooms, stage construction elements, artist rooms, etc.), d) smoking tobacco and cigarettes outside designated smoking areas, e) throwing any objects.
  3. Bringing luggage (understood as a bag/suitcase/backpack larger than 50x30x25 cm) is allowed provided it is left in the cloakroom. Bags and backpacks, as well as outerwear, can be brought in unless the regulations of the place where the Event is held provide otherwise.
  4. The Organizer reserves the right to: a) In cases justified by safety reasons, require the ticket holder to leave the Event premises and take appropriate steps to enforce this order. This particularly applies to situations where the Event participant disrupts public order, behaves aggressively, or does not comply with these Regulations. b) Refuse entry to the Event premises to ticket holders found in possession of weapons or any other items that may pose a threat. c) Refuse entry to a person visibly under the influence of alcohol, intoxicants, psychotropic substances, or other similarly acting substances or disrupting public order and behaving aggressively. d) Refuse entry to a child or minor without hearing protection. e) Search the participant or their luggage, suitcase, bag, backpack, or other property. f) In cases justified by safety reasons, require the participant to leave bags, backpacks, or outerwear in the cloakroom.
  5. The Event premises may use a monitoring system that allows for the recording of the mass event using devices recording images and sounds, particularly the behavior of persons participating in it.

§ 5 Rights and Obligations of Event Participants

  1. A minor under the age of 16 may attend the Event if accompanied by an adult and under the exclusive responsibility of the adult under whose care they remain, after purchasing tickets for both the minor and the adult.
  2. One guardian can be responsible for a maximum of 2 minors.
  3. Minors over the age of 16 may attend the Event provided they have a valid ticket and a correctly completed and signed consent form from their legal guardians to participate in the Event, the template of which is provided by the Organizer. (Click here to download the written consent form template)
  4. The Organizer reserves the right to set a different age limit in the previous sentences for individual Events and to inform about it on its website.
  5. The provisions of points 1 and 2 apply unless the regulations of the place where the Event is held specify a higher entry limit.
  6. Persons attending the Event must have a valid identity document, which means: an identity card, temporary identity certificate, passport, driving license, school or student ID, a document confirming the identity of a foreigner, or another document confirming identity with a facial image and address.
  7. An Event Participant or another person present at the Event may be exposed to continuous exposure to sounds that may cause hearing damage and to strobe light effects. Event Participants attend at their own risk. Pregnant women, children, and persons with epilepsy are particularly at risk.
  8. The Organizer also records the Event for documentation, promotion, or advertising purposes of the Event and future events, the Organizer, and sponsors. The image of persons present at the Event may be recorded and then disseminated for documentation, reporting, advertising, and promotional purposes.
  9. It is prohibited to conduct any commercial, advertising, marketing, or promotional activities on the Event premises without prior agreement with the Organizer. Persons violating this ban will be removed from the Event premises. The Organizer will not be obliged to any compensation or damages to the ticket holder not complying with the ban.
  10. Any complaints can be submitted in writing no later than 14 days after the Event date to the following address: [email protected]. The Organizer reserves 21 days from receiving the complaint for its consideration. The person submitting the complaint will be notified in writing of the outcome.

    Fource Entertainment sp. z o.o.
    ul. Chmielna 2/31
    00-020 Warsaw
  11. The Organizer reviews complaints within 14 days from the date of their receipt by registered mail.
  12. Any inconveniences related to limited visibility resulting from the arrangement of sound equipment, lighting, or sector markings, as well as inconveniences related to the sound system of the Event, are subject to complaints only on the day of the Event.
  13. The condition for pursuing claims is the exhaustion of the complaint procedure referred to in this section of the Regulations.

§ 6 Penal Provisions

  1. Anyone who fails to comply with an order issued based on the law, the regulations of the venue where the Event is held, or the Event Regulations by the Organizer or Security Services, is subject to a fine or restriction of liberty.
  2. Anyone who brings or possesses weapons, other dangerous items, explosives, pyrotechnic products, or fire-hazardous materials at the Event is subject to a fine, restriction of liberty, or imprisonment.

§ 7 Final Provisions

  1. The Organizer is not responsible for items brought to the Event premises that are left or lost.
  2. The Organizer reserves the right to change these Regulations. The current version of the Regulations is available on the Organizer’s website.
  3. By purchasing a ticket to the Event, the Participant accepts these Regulations.