Niestety przyjdzie nam jeszcze trochę poczekać na polskie koncerty Low Roara. Artysta w poniższym liście do fanów informuje o przesunięciu swojej nadchodzącej trasy. Damy Wam niezwłocznie znać, gdy tylko uda nam się znaleźć nowe terminy koncertów w Gdańsku, Warszawie oraz Krakowie. Wszystkie zakupione dotąd bilety zachowają naturalnie swoją ważność w nowych datach, a my mamy wielką nadzieję, że już niebawem spotkamy się pod sceną w komplecie.

„Dear friends,
It is with great regret and heartfelt sorrow that we will be postponing this upcoming tour once again. There was a time when I viewed touring as great fun and excitement and now due to everything we are going through globally we feel postponing for later time as things calm down will be better for everyone. Trust me – I was as excited as I hoped you were to see these live performances – it just feels that with the nature of things the timing is not right. I’ve been doing this for half of my life and I’m apologizing for any inconvenience but I’m not apologizing for the way I feel. This is not the end of touring and we will see you soon. In the meantime we are close to finishing another record and there’s some more exciting news in the ‘music’ part of the project. Thank you for understanding. At this time it is just not that easy to bounce around from place to place.
P.S.: I haven’t seen my family in over two years. But we made it work.

Thank you for all your support
Low Roar”