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Dakh Daughters

5. 6. 23Kwadrat, Kraków

TIMETABLE: 19:00 drzwi | 20:00 Dakh Daughters

Seven actresses took musical instruments into their hands in order to create a life-affirming performance about love, freedom and beauty which at the end of the day – will save the world. Already well known to the public as actresses of the DAKH Theatre in Kyiv, band members ended up on neutral ground in between musical genre and dramatic art, in the right experimentally-creative space. Dakh Daughters create an atmosphere of a French saloon, where Mireille Mathieu befriends Marilyn Manson. This year they embark on the “Ukraine Fire” tour – their performance is a testament to the crime of Russian troops, the humanitarian catastrophe they caused, but also a hymn to Ukraine’s defenders and to the Ukrainian people, who stand courageously and restrain this evil.

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